HeliCat Canada is the trade association of the Canadian helicopter and snowcat skiing industry. 


Our primary mandate is to promote the continual improvement of the industry through research, education, and advocacy, and by overseeing a trade accreditation program.


Members of HeliCat Canada are dedicated to the highest operating standards in the industry.


Our purpose is to speak and act on behalf of our members, to guide and develop best practices in the areas of sustainability and safety, and to promote the growth of the helicat sector in a way that is economically, environmentally and socially responsible.




 Government legislation, regulation and policy guide our industry. Internal policy established through informed collaboration and a commitment to continual growth fosters a world-class operating environment.


From Accreditation to Wildlife and Occupational Health & Safety services, our programs provide a framework for operators to work within and beyond, ensuring the delivery of high-quality services across the board.



Our programs and initiatives provide funding and support for projects that improve our relationship with the communities - natural and human - in which we work and play.